Monday, October 31, 2011

10/31 - So I gots me a show

So I gots me a show. Not just any show but a show in NY, in DUMBO actually, and I couldn't be any more happy...relieved really. I was losing faith and starting to believe it wasn't gonna happen but it will - in either March or April, most likely April.

This year, 2011, has been all about becoming the person I've always wanted to be instead of continuing to be the person who says "well, someday I will". I'm not the person I want to be yet but the baby steps I've been able to take this year are starting to get me there.So, I need to make a new goal list - we're in the last quarter of the year so maybe I'll have two - one for Nov and Dec 2011 and another for the first quarter of 2012:

  • Sell artwork - make money!
  • Sell extra stuff
  • Find a nice sized, clean, quiet, dry, well lit place to move to in Brooklyn and then move there
  • Make friends
  • Book shows for 2012
  • Lose weight, tighten up - get physically ready

  • Sign an art rep
  • Book participation in at least 6 groups shows in and around NY
  • Book 3 one man shows in NY
  • Sell, sell, SELL work! Make MONEY!
  • Find agent and publisher for book(s)
other goals to be completed in 2012
  • Achieve seemingly impossible goals:
  • Get in the New Yorker
  • Get work in New Museum
  • Book shows in Germany, London, Netherlands

All of it sounds nuts but, I've found, when I set definate goals I have a better chance of reaching them.....for the most part. What is it they say: "Fail to plan, plan to fail" - even if the plans seem too big, plan anyway.

For today:
  • shower
  • have truck towed to mechanic
  • go to social security office
  • mail out proposals and queries
  • clean up Cave
  • finish "Waiting"

The old broad with the bun.

    1 comment:

    1. At the pace you are going, I'm not sure you have enough stuff on your to-do list for 2012.
