- What if you never make your next big goal?
- What if you've wasted this entire year and ALL your money trying to reach a level of success you're not meant to reach?
- What if you end up with nothing, living in the street, all your work and money gone; all your goals reached for nothing....again???
- What if you lose everything - what happens to Bugsy and Tiger? Is Bugsy so dependant on you that he can't live with another owner?
- What if I don't start making a living at what I do? How quickly will the rest of my money go?
- What will you do? What CAN you do if you're meant to lose at life again??????
Breath, breath, breath...
Hun you are a FANTASTIC artist. CJ looked at your flyer today and said you would do very well in NYC. Patience. Baby steps. Everything will happen in its own time. You have friends that love and support you and will catch you if you fall down. Remember stick to the plan! Hugs!