Sunday, September 18, 2011

09/18 Sunday morning

Oh my goodness - what a relief. I woke up this morning full of hope and energy and new goals. My new website has REvitalized my focus on my work and so i'm siting on my squishy touche' organizing lists of galleries that I've vistied seen or researched; I'm emailing and putting together promo materials; I'm making lists and more lists of things I need to do to reach my next set of goals this year and looking forward to painting in a bit. I've got a lot of work to get caught up on for Oct. but in the meantime....

I'm so relieved to have a site(!!!) it feels like anything possible now. Holy cow, I thnk about all the time and work that went into getting everything in place to reach this goal.....absolutely incredible, monumental even but I did it....I DID IT!...okay, with a lot of help but I DID IT! I DID IT!!!

What am I gonna do to celebrate you ask?:
  • Shower
  • Walk Bugsy
  • Walk Bugsy and Kitty in the woods
  • Come back to Cave de la Hermitage -
  • organize my listS of galleries, send out queries and
  • PAINT!
Tomorrow I'm diving head first into prepping for my trip to New York at the end of the month. Man your battle stations people, I have tons of energy, new focus, new goals and I HAVE A WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!! Look out!

Mommy - take us to make the pee pees please - NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - your sweet dog looks identical to my sweetheart Katye who sadly passed on last year. I still hear her once in awhile and miss her so much. It was spooky scrolling down to the pic of your dog!
