Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17 Occupy Life!

Okay, so I haven't posted much this past week or so - there's a lot going on and nothing I can really talk about but suffice it to say: things are moving forward now....slowly but moving forward.
  • We have a date for the reception in Brooklyn: April 6th
  • We have a date for the Boston show: Dec. 9th-ish
  • The book has been getting circulated around two different foster agencies in 2 different states.
  • I'm almost done producing big paintings for Brooklyn and will be moving on to making smaller works
  • I've sent out brochures to several new (to me) galleries in New york
  • I've sorted thru and reorganized my stuff, moved what's left to a smaller storage unit
  • And am almost ready to make a decision about where to move to next
I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by but I feel I've done the best I could've done with what I can control - I've torn thru my to do lists and archived varying levels of success.  I think my only real failure has been not losing any weight - and I've kinda given up trying for right now, deciding instead to focus my will on other projects. My great success however, has been not letting anyone or any thing influence me enough to stop working at my goals. I've kept my focus and I didn't veer. I also didn't start drinking or drugging again which was a huge achievement for me under the circumstances - I think out of my years on earth so far, when I look back, this is the one I will be most proud of. I did it, I changed my life.

My hope is that in the next 6 weeks, by the end of the year: I'll be moving to a new city, have at least 3 more spring shows lined up in NY and Boston, a deal in the works for the book(s), and an income I can depend on. I've also gotta start working on next years to do list.....phew, what a time this has been.

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