Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 Friday

I think today is supposed to be some sort of magical day because of the numbers. We shall see...

Regardless, I haven't posted in a bit, nothing to say really. Things are still in a holding pattern: shows aren't firmed up yet, the book is on hold till I can get my drawing table delivered, I've been cleaning out my storage unit but my spine has gone a tad haywire and so I have to stop till I can walk and bend properly, the roof to the Cave still isn't repaired which leaves my landlord in complete violation of court order, he could be arrested if I so chose to pursue. Not horrid news (for me anyway) just a series of events or lack of events that leave my plans stilted which, as a  consequence, leaves me jammed up and anxious and the severity of the RSD pain prevents me from sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time.

My plan for today was to take everything that's left from the first storage unit and put it in a smaller one (a much smaller one) but with my spine acting up I just can't.
Plan B: Walk Bugs in the woods - again, spine interruptus.
Plan C: switch out paintings at Muse - ditto.
Plan D: go to AS220 and silk screen designs - see above.
Plan E: workout - having a hard time putting my socks on.
Plan #345: lay down in front of fast moving bus or eat a cupcake.

Maybe  I'll do some more mail outs to galleries, reps and publishers instead. I hate my plans being jammed up like this.

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